12 Quick Tips to Tame Frizzy Hair

12 Quick Tips to Tame Frizzy HairYou might love the natural way your hair curls, but you definitely don’t feel that love when you brush it and its frizz gets in the way; this is definitely everything but the polished and sleek look you’re aiming for. So, without further ado, here are twelve very simple tips to keep your hair frizz-free:

  1. Avoid brushing your hair once it’s dry. The right time to brush curly hair is after you wash and dry it gently with towel. Use a brush, comb or your own fingers to brush slightly wet hair and then apply an anti-frizz product to easily maintain it throughout the day.
  2. If you have to comb your hair while it’s dry, add some water to your tresses. However, the best way to achieve good results remains finger-combing your hair with wet hands to slightly style and untangle it.
  3. Another way you can manage frizz is by taking some conditioner, watering it down a bit and applying it to your hair tips gently.
  4. A convenient way to control frizz and add shine to the hair is to use conditioners that are protein-infused.
  5. Using too many hair styling appliances, such as a hair dryer and flat iron, can make it brittle and easy to break. So try using these products as little as possible.
  6. Dryness is one of the major causes of frizz, so keeping your hair moisturized can help you reduce this symptom. Simply use a conditioner, natural oil or an anti-frizz cream for this purpose.
  7. Using chemical products like relaxers and straighteners can also make your hair weak and cause breakage, therefore steer away from these as well.
  8. When you’re drying your hair, consider using a round brush to smoothen the cuticles since it’s gentler on the hair.
  9. If you want to give your hair a lift and a smoother look, dry the roots only and let the tips and shafts dry naturally.
  10. Using products containing alcohol can make your hair dry and increase its frizziness.  So before buying a shampoo or a conditioner, go through its ingredients and make sure that it’s alcohol-free.
  11. If you tend to experience afternoon frizz, you can get rid of it with a bit of children’s detangling spray. This is perfect as it won’t give your hair a greasy look.
  12. A professional would know best how you can keep your hair frizz-free all day long, so talk to your stylist and find out which products would be best for you.

Try these simple tips and enjoy smooth frizz-free hair all day long.

How To Deep Condition Your Hair

how to deep condition hair

Deep conditioning hydrates and softens hair that has been damaged from everyday life (including chemicals, treatments, and excess heat). Your hair can experience improved elasticity allowing it to stretch without breaking. Make sure you’re deep conditioning correctly with these easy steps.

1. Choose the right product

Different types of hair need different types of conditioners. Try out different conditioners to see which ones work best for you. Here are some quick rules of thumb you can start with:

  • If your hair is fine, use lighter conditioners to make your hair look more voluminous.
  • If your hair is frizzy, try a natural oil conditioner such as olive oil, coconut oil, or other oils.

2. Start with shampoo

Proper conditioning starts with a proper wash of your hair. Gently wash and rinse your hair to prepare it to be conditioned

3. Apply the conditioner

Squeeze a quarter-size of conditioner into the palm of your hand. Start by applying to the roots of your hair and moving your way down. If you have really long hair, don’t be afraid to use more conditioner.

 4. Cover your head

Use a shower cap to cover your head. Deep conditioning takes time for the conditioner to penetrate the strands of your hair. The shower cap allows the conditioner to penetrate your hair without turning your floors into a slippery swamp.

5. Skip the blow dryer

Heat can damage your hair especially if you have a shower cap on. Let your natural body heat warm the conditioner up. This method can take overnight but will lessen the damage to your hair.

6. Rinse with cool water

Cool water seals your hair and locks in the moisture from the conditioner. Use a towel to gently pat your hair dry after rinsing. Congratulations! You just deep conditioned health and life back into your hair.

Regular Intake of L-Methionine Supports Healthy Hair

Regular Intake of L-Methionine Supports Healthy HairMaintaining healthy hair is crucial to sporting great looks. When you know that hair loss can affect your physical appearance to a large extent, it’s essential to protect your hair and promote its growth. L-methionine, also known as Methionine, is one of the 8 amino acids that can severely affect your hair health when deficient. This means you must include this essential amino acid in your diet on a regular basis. Rich in nutritional value, L-methionine’s role in synthesizing glutathione, a powerful cellular antioxidant in the body, helps to increase energy levels and provides anti-aging effects.

Promoting collagen formation, methionine helps to grow hair longer and faster. However, to achieve this you must make it a practice to consume methionine-rich foods or vitamin supplements that contain the amino acid. Egg, cheese, meat, fish, sesame seeds, and Brazil nuts are among the rich sources of L-methionine. Although the amino acid is found in fruits and vegetables, its content is negligible. Given the fact that methionine is not produced in the body, it’s very important to ensure a diet that contains the amino acid or to supplements your diet to derive the required amount of needed to maintain hair health.

An important source of sulfur, which is needed to curtail loss of hair and promote adequate growth, L-methionine is extensively sought after by those who find it difficult to grow hair by trying several other means. Since the amino acid is not found in abundance in vegetarian foods, those who rely on a vegan diet must ensure intake of L-methionine supplements in required amounts to offset the imbalance of their diet.

The recommended intake of the essential amino acid for men and women above 18 years of age is about one gram daily. A deficit in L-methionine can adversely affect your body, so don’t waste time to supply your body with sufficient quantities of the vital amino acid.


10 Easy Tips for Fighting Dandruff

10 Easy Tips for Fighting DandruffDealing with dandruff isn’t easy, especially after you have tried every treatment in the book. However, there are a few things you can do to bring back all your black clothes and be less conscious about pesky white flakes. Here are ten easy tips to incorporate into your daily routine.

1. Shampoo Your Hair Every Day –

Keep your scalp clean by washing it daily. You will get rid of the excess oil, dirt particles, and flakes that come with dandruff.

2. Change Your Shampoo –

If your regular shampoo is useless, buy a new one that contains either zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid, or ketoconazole. These ingredients fight off the main cause of dandruff: the malassezia fungus.

3. Pick Three Different Shampoos –

Don’t stick to a single brand of shampoo. A resistance may form with the constant use of active ingredients, so it’s better that you use three shampoos and rotate them monthly.

4. Lather Twice While Washing Your Hair –

By lathering twice, you’ll be able to wash off the oil accumulation and flakes first, allowing the ingredients to penetrate further into skin cells.

5. Use Tar Shampoo –

Consider switching to tar shampoo as it helps decrease the hair cell turnover. Its drawbacks, however, are its odor, ability to stain light hair, and irritation of scalp.

6. Rinse Your Hair –

Rinse your hair with a conditioner, crème, or even with lemon juice. A good conditioner will make your hair manageable, reduce its stiffness, and seal its moisture.

7. Check The Sensitivity Of Your Scalp –

If you have sensitive skin, avoid harsh chemical shampoos as they might inflame your hair follicles and cause folliculitis, the inflammation of one more hair follicles.

8. Don’t Irritate Your Scalp –

If you scratch your scalp, wounds will begin to appear. With wounded skin, you shouldn’t use a medicated shampoo until your head is healed.

9. Avoid Sweat –

Workouts or exercises can make you perspire excessively, leading to skin cells flaking. So shower after a workout to curb your dandruff.

10. Don’t Use Sticky Stuff Often –

Using hair styling gels, mousses, sprays or any such product support oil buildup. So avoid applying them often.
With these tips, you can kiss dandruff goodbye once and for all. What has and hasn’t worked for you? Comment with your thoughts or tips.

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